Smurf Yourself

20th August 2013

A client came to me with a rather interesting brief. The Smurfs2 movie has just come onto the South African cinema circuit and my client wanted to design an online competition around this. “Carl, we need a promotional micro-site where people can upload images and ‘Smurfify’ them – is this possible?”. A few weeks later, […]

doBandup – Rock On

11th November 2008

doBroadband, powered by Telkom set up a nationwide competition to gather the best music talent and start a band. The competition ran for 5 weeks. We started with 20 and ended with the band of 5 musicians. While the contestants were in the house, viewers could see LIVE video streaming, of the going’s on, from […]

Finders Keepers

11th November 2007

doBroadband, powered by Telkom, were the sole sponsor or this years Sunday Times Finder. This was an amazing project to work on. Here is the final “week 4” interactive clues.

The Jackpot Lounge

11th May 2007

This application was built to be skinable and changed at a moments notice. The entire flash file runs on an XML file that can be customized and manipulated to set criteria. The entire list of games and the number of game carousels all governed by the XML file. Client:

TGC Sports Book Soccer Viral Game

11th August 2006

Designed to promote and increase wagering around the World Cup Soccer in 2006. Play the game Now! Client: The Gaming Club Sports Book.

Promotional Winter Game

11th January 2004

The game was part of a larger campaign used to promote and push players to play an wager more over the December 2004 season. Ready to race? Client: The Gaming Club Online Casino